This asset pack is free but the developer accepts
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asset pack.
Included files
Contact With The Alien.wav (8.4 MB)
Turtle Island.wav (1.6 MB)
The Elk Want In.wav (1.9 MB)
Shot In The Head.wav (915 kB)
Sandstorm Of Death.wav (2.2 MB)
Putting Down The Dog With A Frying Pan.wav (1.3 MB)
Penguin Wants In.wav (3 MB)
Goose Diarrhea.wav (1.5 MB)
Frog Robbery.wav (1.7 MB)
Friend Chamber.wav (2.5 MB)
Elephant Gone Wild Warning!.wav (1.7 MB)
Dying Bird.wav (2.4 MB)
Dog Want Food.wav (1.5 MB)
Crack Addict Pounding On Window.wav (1.8 MB)
Breaking And Entering.wav (1.7 MB)
Bashing A Gnome.wav (2.5 MB)
Attempting To Make Contact.wav (2 MB)